Photography Background

Filipina Wanderer, wanted to repost everything that was on my bucket. Maybe make this blog as an external memory/ online flashdisk LOL. (We will see)

Lets start with my Photography. I started the love for arts at a very young age. Coming from a family of architects, I’ve been opened to creativity at its finest. Sketching and Free Hand drawing became a hobby back in gradeschool, then I shifted to painting. I wanted to paint things according to my eyes, I used oil, charcoal and watercolor. Then at age 11, I enrolled myself (yes I paid for it) at Magsaysay School for Photography. Being the youngest in the group is an advantage, they let me experience the craft more, more lab time means more experience for me. At that point our lessons where more on exposures, polaroids and how to print your own pictures, which I find as my edge to other photographers.

Since technology is so fast, from manual slr’s to digital cameras to digital slr’s. Starting young is a good thing, the only regret I am having is that I didn’t keep the proofs and most of the roll films are easy to be

I will look for my old camera and will be posting it here. (excited)

“PeakTramPsyched” Shot from Peak Tram, Hongkong. I edited this using Photoshop and Psychopaint. (I usually use different softwares, Photoshop and I have a love and hate affair). This is the photo for this site’s background.  Originally I created this for my CTCHIQ’s poster. I really loved how this picture turn into art in my own little way.

You may check for my tumblr for my previous post. I usually post all of my fresh edits/ shots there. I will reblogg most of my shots since I am in the process of transferring my blogs into one 🙂

“Tagaytay Escape” 

Tagaytay Royale Estate

“Boracay Chill”


“Smile Sisters”

Pamplona, Cagayan Valley

“Nocturnal Plane”

“Clouds Light”

“Busted Bowling”

Filinvest Festival Mall Bowling

“Hello Turtle”

Calatagan, Batangas

“Bicycle Beach”

Ronco, Calatagan, Batangas

“Blue Sky Kiss”

“Parrot Alabang”

Fernbrooks, Alabang

“Hello Dirty Boracay”

“Beach Traps”


“Boracay Bound”

This post was originally drafted since 9132011. It took almost a year to publish. But hey,  No one is complaining. I hope to publish all of my drafts as soon as possible. I am looking forward to hear for your comments and creative inputs. I was partially restarting my love for photography when I took this shots. According to my file this photographs are from May2010.

Filipina Wanderer is connected to the real world.

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Published by CT

CT is a Filipina Wanderer. Cognoscente Houri ♕ Event Architect | Digitally Good Rockstar | Unicorn Assistant🦄